Marketing Tips & Tricks

5 Effective Tactics to Generate More Leads

Written by Vlad Nagin | Jan 31, 2023 10:21:02 PM


A survey conducted recently by Smart Insights and HubSpot reveals that as high as 97% of marketers recognize and appreciate the multiple opportunities that come with content marketing. Such statistics can have you in a panicky mode especially when you know how difficult you find meeting your quarterly or monthly quota of content. You need not to worry though; we have been through all that and more which spurred us on to make small variations with content which came up with significant improvements in lead generation after experimenting with these minor changes for some time.

What we learnt from those experiments is substantial and we would like to share these lessons with you if only you read this post further.

5 variations on content to boost lead generation:

  • Make your current CTAs more relevant by reviewing them

From our research, we deduced that old content contributes 92% of blog leads per month and 76% of blog post views per month. To help existing posts boost the number of leads that convert, optimization of their CTAs in the busiest of posts, especially those that draw most traffic from organic search is important. You will need to do this every month for effectiveness. Among what you will need to do is:

  • Compile a list of your blog posts that are high in traffic and low on conversions. Attribution Report from HubSpot will help with these. If you are on a different platform, populate this information on an Excel page and work on the figures from there.

  • From your list in ‘a)’ above, consider whether the old CTAs were effective for lead generation at that time. Also consider whether alternatives were sought then and /or since that post was posted.
  • Alignment of keywords

Your next step is to focus on keywords that most visitors find the specific post through search. You will then need to make changes in the CTAs to those that will bring in more conversions through the same post.

Results from HubSpot’s test on this idea were astonishing. After optimizing the best 12 high traffic and high ranking of all our posts, lead generation from those went up by 99% while the average conversion rate went up by 87%. Here is what you will need to do so as to achieve these incredible figures.

  1. What search terms are your visitors using to find your post? List them down. Sources App from HubSpot will help you generate this info. Webmaster Tools from Google will help you if you are on alternative platforms.
  2. Establish the blog posts that are ranking highly under the use of these keywords. Prepare a spreadsheet and record these rankings there. Keywords App from HubSpot is what we employed taking advantage of its integration with Sources App. SEO tools are essential here but if you have none, you can find this information manually: Find an incognito browser and search your keyword. You then record the ranking that your blog post has.
  3. Identify and optimize your busiest posts by traffic and then work your way to the one with the lowest traffic. This you will do monthly where you do your sorting.
  4. By the use of the most used search term that people found this post by, adjust your CTA to match the best text that you are guaranteed will have impressive lead generation results.
  • Optimize existing invitations to achieve higher search ranking

When we put our own lead generation content under a HubSpot analysis, just 15% of organic leads every month came from offers issued on the same months. Older offers generated a mind-boggling 57%. Application of this data to optimize current offers is advisable and will lead to the generation of more leads. What action will you need to take?

  1. Determine offers that had strong keywords which were not ranking favorably. These will be those that had keywords with good potential rankings.
    Read more on how to perform keyword research here >>
  2. Identify blog posts on the specific topic and link them to current offers. Isolate those that had gained external links and the most traffic. These carry with them more credibility and you can take advantage of that to cross them with current offers.
  3. Find out high traffic sites and guest-post such content. It will give you higher odds of link back to your site and that is good for rankings in the search engine results pages.
  • Experiment with different formats

Your content will be posted in different formats. You will need to experiment which will work best for you by playing around with them. Among the best according to our experiments are webinars, eBooks and kits in that order.

You can reformat your content to that which is more effective for your lead generation. Older posts can be reformatted to eBooks and webinars or infographics if that is what will work for you. How will you do this?

  1. The vital point here is determining the format that your visitors enjoy accessing your content most. A traffic and download analysis will give you these details. If you operate on HubSpot, you will access this data via landing Page Analytics or Google Analytics if you are not.
  2. Establish a trend from listing your best offers and break down this info by formats employed.
  3. When you have established your trends, pick your best posts and convert them to the format that proved to be most popular with your visitors.
  • Conduct a detailed test of your titles

Make plans to have an A and B tests on the titles you give your content. While it may seem a mundane thing, it is really not and sometimes scientific tests will help you choose a great title that will be essential to your lead generation.

We have realized astronomical results from testing a few titles ourselves with one title besting another by 776% in relation to the lead generation effects it produced. Essentially, the content being titled must be of very high quality in the first place, and then you do the following:

  1. For every offer you generate, brainstorm with people at your workplace and come up with more than 10 titles. Apply HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator for great ideas.
  2. Form a reasonable group and float the titles that you think would score the highest. By assessing their conciseness, attractiveness, length and clarity, narrow down to the two best ones from your list.
  3. Conduct an A and B test on both of these titles.
  4. Apply the favorite title on all you promotions in lead generation campaigns.

These simple variations worked wonderfully for us. You can employ them in your business as well and see their effect on the enhancement of you your lead generation efforts.